Potions Classroom

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Marcus Oliver Flint 0 150 by Marcus Oliver Flint
Jan 25, 2011 20:33:32 GMT -5


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Potions Classroom
This large dungeon classroom is large enough to accomedate a double class which is about twenty cauldrons. Each station consists of two side cupboards and four stools each.

It is colder down here than the rest of the castle so be sure to dress warmly! There are even times when you can see your breath on the air usually in the winter time.

In one of the corners a large gargoyle sits pouring icy cold water into a basin and the walls are lined with rows upon rows of animals in jars, herbs and oddly shaped and colored potions. A blackboard sits at the front of the class along with the Professor's desk. A large wooden door off to the side that leads to the Professor's quarters.
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