Great Hall

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Lunch (Annabelle, open)
Dominic Day 3 198 by Annabelle Andrews
Feb 22, 2011 23:27:58 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Hogwarts Feast (ALL WELCOME!!)
Selena Faith Holland 13 254 by Sirius Black Darmoth
Feb 6, 2011 14:17:50 GMT -5


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Great Hall
A vast chamber with an enchanted ceiling that mirrors the sky outside. Four long tables for the four houses. Closest to the doors from the Entrance Hall is Slytherin, then Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and next to the far wall, Gryffindor (this order may possibly be reversed, depending on how you orient the room to the entrance hall). The teachers sit at the High Table, a table on a raised platform at the front

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